Communication is key – especially in such a complex and diverse field as the global Aero-Medical Industry.

Since its implementation, the European Aero-Medical Institute (EURAMI) e.V. is known as the global advocate for the promotion of excellence, safety and quality in global medical transports and the exchange of knowledge, expertise and best practices.

To further support these values, EURAMI has implemented the EURAMI Forum which serves as a communication platform, discussion forum and source of information for all EURAMI members.

The EURAMI Board & Office looks forward to a resourceful, enlightening and interesting exchange between our valued EURAMI members.


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Founded in 1992 the European Aero-Medical Institute e.V. – commonly known as EURAMI – is a nonprofit organization, with its base in Cologne, Germany. EURAMI has established itself as an indicator for Excellence, Quality and Safety in Aero-Medical Transportation. Founded by the leading aeromedical providers in the world it has since developed into a globally recognized institution with more than 50 accredited providers worldwide.

EURAMI strives to increase and promote the best patient care by creating and publishing standards in the field of Fixed Wing Air Ambulance, Rotary Wing Air Ambulance as well as Commercial Airline Medical Escort.

Eurami - European-Aero-Medical-Institute
  • Fixed Wing Accreditation

    The European Aero-Medical Institute accredits aero-medical providers performing transfers on fixed wing air ambulance aircraft. The Fixed Wing Air Ambulance category is divided into Regional & Intercontinental Air Ambulance and contains a variety of medical endorsements to honor the various specializations and capabilities in this category.

  • Rotor Wing Accreditation

    The European Aero-Medical Institute accredits aero-medical providers performing transfers on rotary wing air ambulance aircraft. The Rotary Wing Air Ambulance category is divided into HEMS, Inter-Hospital Transport and SAR and contains a variety of medical endorsements to honor the various specializations and capabilities in this category.

  • Commercial Airline Medical Escort Accreditation

    The European Aero-Medical Institute accredits aero-medical providers performing transfers on Commercial Airlines. Accredited Providers transport patients either in Economy Class, Business Class, First Class, PTC or on a designated Stretcher on a designated Commercial Airline.

Request for Access

If you are a member of the European Aero-Medical Institute (EURAMI) e.V. – either as an accredited provider or as an individual member – kindly fill out the below form to request your personal access to the EURAMI Forum. The EURAMI Office will contact you with your login credentials shortly